As Ranbir Kapoor's Shamshera poster was officially released on Monday , his married wife Alia Bhatt shared it on Instagram with some words of praise. Alia Bhatt is cheering on her husband Ranbir Kapoor as her first official poster for her upcoming movie Shamshera for free on weekdays. She shared the poster on Instagram on weekdays, days after it was leaked on social media. Directed by Karan Malhotra, the film is about the 1800s chronicles and tells the story of a dacoit tribe fighting for their right and independence from the country against britishers. To get updated with all these latest updates, Aaj ka Samachar , Bollywood updates, business updates etc visit our blogs. Sharing her poster on her Instagram page, Alia simply wrote, "That's a hot morning...I mean...morning," along with a heart-eyed emoji and a smile. Sanjay Dutt, who also plays a prominent role in Shamshera, shared the first posters for the film on Instagram, writing, “The Legend of Shamshera ...
PM Modi is hiding his 'arrogance and arrogance' behind service chiefs, AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi comments the same on Agnipath protests. As Hyderabad burned in the fire of protests against the Agnipath issue on Friday, resulting in a death at the Secunderabad terminal, Hyderabad MP AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi, the same road rage was the result clear of the truth.To get more updates, Aaj ka Samachar , breakings, bollywood updates etc. visit our blogs. I remember Rajeev Goswami's suicide in 1990 against the implementation of the recommendations of the Mandal committee, Owaisi himself, the 3 main factors behind the 'rage in the street' were economic difficulties, high status and super high inflation. Did you know about that China launches third aircraft carrier in military milestone . "A fourth issue adding to those flames is the arrogance and vanity that @PMOIndia hides behind service chiefs," Owaisi tweeted as the protest spread across the country. Pr...